
Focusing On Tech Changes

Why Should You Install An In-Building Public Safety DAS System?

A Distributed Antenna System (DAS) or In-building public safety DAS is an emergency responder system that provides radio coverage in your building using a series of antennas. A DAS can be either passive or active. An active DAS uses ethernet and fiber-optic cables for network coverage. A Passive DAS uses splitters and amplifiers to capture and distribute signals in a building. DAS is important for safety and communication in hospitals, airports, malls, office buildings, schools, and hotels. The following are the benefits of installing a DAS in your building.

Improve Cellular Coverage and In-built Connectivity 

A public safety DAS enables coordination by in-built systems such as electronic lighting, HVAC, and surveillance cameras. That helps improve safety during emergencies because responders such as paramedics, firefighters, and law enforcement officers can maintain communication during emergencies. Moreover, installing a DAS improves cell phone signals and ensures tenants and clients have great coverage. Cellular coverage is critical in buildings to ensure fast communication between departments, sending emails and texts, conducting virtual meetings, and making phone calls. On the other hand, poor wireless coverage slows business activities and can potentially drive tenants away from your building. 

Improve Building Value

The kind of installations and adjustments in a building greatly determines its rental and real estate value. If you're looking to sell your building, Installing a DAS increases its real estate valuation and attracts more investors than other competing properties without the system. That is because investors won't incur future additional installation costs after acquiring the property.  Furthermore, a DAS is a valuable investment for any present and future needs. They are adjustable to accommodate future demands, such as the 5G network speeds. In other words, installing DAS in your building attracts significant rental incomes while owning the property and still being able to sell it at a profitable price in the future. 


Another benefit of DAS is they're easy to maintain and operate, resulting in low operational costs. For instance, they have low power consumption systems which use less power in their operations. That directly results in reduced energy bills. Additionally, they are easy to set up and maintain as they're connected by fiber-optic cabling and convergent solutions instead of heavy and clunky equipment with spotty connections. You can easily improve DAS performance by adjusting system settings or updating their software. That significantly helps in reducing service maintenance costs.  


Installing a DAS in your commercial building has more benefits beyond improving public safety, connectivity, cost-effectiveness, and property value. Consult a tech specialist for more information about indoor public safety DAS coverage and installation arrangements.

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Focusing On Tech Changes

When a brand new technology hits the market, how happy are you to hear about it? Although it isn't always easy to think about changes, being able to recognize cool new advances can really help you to improve your experience. I started thinking about different ways to focus on tech changes a few months ago, and within a few weeks, I was really enjoying a whole new take on life. I was getting things done faster, organizing my time, and really eliminating hassles left and right. Read more on this blog about tech changes that could help you each and every day.


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